Hello and Happy New year : )
Stew, Freddy and I spent a very family orientated Christmas Eve and day together with my family and also Stew’s family. I Looove Christmas and most of all I love pressies big and small.

It was particularly special because my older sister Suzi and her husband John were coming from Singapore with baby Mia. It’s the first child in our family and my mum went bonka’s. Her eyes were glazed with delight at the thought that soon (christmas eve) little Mia would be arriving and would be in her arms again….
Everybody was on my case about when I was going to have a baby. After fending off questions with ‘I’m not having any’ just to fuel the fire, I dug into a cake and drowned my sorrows. I’m happy to babysit for a few years thank you very much. Although I think motherhood is the most spiritual experience you could have as a woman…I’M NOT READY!
Check out this video of Christmas time at our house with Stew, me, Stew's kids - Kristy and Andrew - This fab video was edited and shot by Kristy
In the thick of the Christmas rush with last minute shoppers, Stew and I got the brilliant idea to go and check out a few Grand Piano’s. This was very exciting. We maybe should have left it after all the festivities. But there we saw her, this black sleek Yamaha baby grand piano that drew a tear from Stew’s eyes and gave me a jolt in the heart.
The nickname ‘Black beauty’ that Stew used to fondly call me was forever gone and passed onto the damn piano. Anyway basically the piano is ours. It arrived yesterday and it is a beautiful sounding instrument. Set up in the studio and we have already recorded a few parts to test out where to set up the microphones.
The other good news is I get to have the old upright victor upstairs to write songs on….nice!
I have so many plans and ideas this year and the first one is to play solo. Just me and my guitar. Yikes! It’s a bit scary, I’ve been practicing since the outback tour and I’ll have some solo shows at open mic nights in January and February. It doesn't matter how much you practice at home, when you get in front of a mic the dynamics change and the fear lifts up a notch. I won’t be advertising these if you can understand I’m incredible stressed about it hahaa. I’ll be doing this pretty much all year to practice with the idea that I'll have an hour set by then.
Second on the list is booking my winter tour. The days are moving so fast and I’ve managed to book 4 gigs up the east coast. I’m planning to get stuck into it when I get a bit of motivation up my sleeve - I'm still bloated from all the food at Christmas time. We’re heading up to Cairns this time, so I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time on the beach. I’m applying for a touring grant to hopefully be able to take at least Lindsay our drummer for the moment and also we will be joined by film maker Nathan Judd Lee for 3 weeks to document our tour, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Last but not least check out the gig guide on myspace to see where we’re playing. We’ve got a couple of local shows so please come and see us play. In particular we’ve got a very special show coming up in February at the Clarendon featuring 6
time winner of the Golden Guitar Award – Alan Caswell – 25th February.
Talk to all again soon, I'm off to Tamworth Festival on Thursday yeehaa!
Snez xxx
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