Friday, March 23, 2012

SNEZ E-News and Blog - Sticky Tickets & Achilles tendons

Our Event
Just a quick hello from me. The album launch date is secured for Saturday 28th April at Cafe - Church Space in Glebe. Put that date in your diary, tickets are available now online at Sticky Tickets or if you prefer Cash, Cheque or Netbanking send us an email at [email protected]
to organise something.

Early bird tickets are $12, limited tables and seating, so get in quick. We will be having many special guests on the night and I am really looking forward to sharing my new songs. More info on the launch soon.

Last week Stewart broke his achilles tendon and we were in the hospital for a week trying to get an operation done in time to do a gig at the Music in the Park Festival in Oatley. So poor Stew ended up playing the festival with a cast and crutches. He's ok though, no pain, he's just been forced to slow down a tad. I'm glad we didn't miss out on the show because it ended up being such a lovely afternoon. That's a little selfish of me isn't it!
Music in the Park 2012 - We were sponsored by Oatley Hotel and this event was put on by the Lions Club Oatley
Simon Crosbie on blues harp, percussion, Lindsay Tebbutt in the back playing drums, myself and Stewart.

 Ok smell ya later

snez xxx

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