Rain, rain and more rain. If it keeps raining we'll have difficulty getting across to some of our destinations with the dirt roads and all.
After 2 weeks of being on the road, we both finally feel like we're settling in to the groove of things. It gets pretty hard and physical travelling in the van and takes a little bit to get used to. But now things feel like they're running smoothly.
While stewart was doing a jingle based on the William Tell Overture! and another one about women being Vajazzled (Look it up on the internet) I spent the morning doing the laundry, exploring the nearby racecourse and then listening to Alex Boye on my ipod - an instructional CD on how to NOT SUCK ON STAGE.

Stew recording a jingle in the van

Racecourse in charleville
I was really worried about performing at the Railway because I wasn't too sure if I could cut it and I wanted to be prepared and G'd up and give these people a show and make them listen.
Then I put on Triple C radio and listened to myself being interviewed on the radio - that was a great buzz. It wasn't my best interview, but I'm warming up.
Click here for 2CCC interview
We loaded in at the corner of the room of the Railway hotel, in front of the condiments and sauces section of the room : ) It was a pretty basic pub. Clive, the owner said that it usually gets really busy around 10.30 pm.

The bar was filled with the locals and they were pretty attentive. Phil from the radio station turned up and took a few pics for us throughout the evening as well as cheering us on and doing a bit of a belly dance in 'Gypsy Soul'.

Phil from Triple C Radio at Railway Hotel
I put my heart and soul and all the energy into the gig and we were pretty happy with the gig by the end of it. Clive wants us back next time we're in town.

Stew on the Kazoo - We'll do anything for attention
About an hour before we were due to finish two blokes turned up out of no-where and started flicking their shoes off and dancing crazy to my songs. That was a great feeling. They joined in on some songs, obviously they had had a bit to drink. But lovely people. Turns out Steve was from near Bathurst and Rob was from Oberon. haha small world.

Rob, Snez, Steve and Stew at the Railway Hotel
Steve and Rob were from a group of about 20 guys who had flown in on their own light planes (as you do!). They had flown all the way up to Thursday Island and on the spur of the moment they stopped in at Charleville for the night on the way home......They offered us a lift on the plane to Broome, but we had a few things to do between here and Broome :)
Tomorrow we'll set off for Tambo, which is about 2 hours from Charleville, for our next show.
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